Litigation Astrology Services

Through astrology, you can know whether there is a sum of a court case in your horoscope or not? If there is some yoga of court case available in your birth chart then you can easily get out of this problem through astrological.


Ask a specific Question about your Health & Wellness

The Questions like When will I overcome my present illness? Why I fall sick periodically? And many more related questions which you may ask in this service. Potent and effective time tested remedies are also suggested in the answer given. ( In this option even if you do not have your birth details the answer for the same is determinable using ancient and Unique system of Horary Astrology method ). Ask a Question.


Ask a specific Question about Litigation

This question becomes more pertinent because in a race to prove our primacy & increasing aspirations, such legal issues are taking front seat in the life of many people. In such cases apart from the rules, regulations, laws and expertise of the legal professionals, there is something which can be vetted through a birth chart .Ask a Question.


Litigation Prospects Report

If an astrologer is able and experienced, he can check out your horoscope and identify or foresee any court cases or legal matters. You would be surprised to know that such houses or planets act or react differently for different set of people involved in the court cases. Litigation Prospects Report.


Gem Consultancy Report for taking Litigation decisions

WGemstones should always be used according to the auspicious grah (planet) according to their kundali (birth chart). Therefore, We suggest that you use our gemstone recommendation tool to find out your lucky gemstone. Gem Consultancy Report.


Life Predictions Report stressing on Litigation problems and their solutions

Court and litigants affect our peace of mind? These matters are increasing day by day? From the astrological point of view, some main reasons are responsible for all these problems. when you have a complete comprehensive report which is unmatched anywhere. Manjunath Swamy will analyze and check all aspects of your Horoscope and would prepare this report.


Remedial Consultancy Report for improving your chances in Litigation

IAre you facing any litigation problems and other problems related to the court ? Want to improve your chances in winning in your court case ? etc. All such problems can be sorted and we will provide you this. Remedial Consultancy Report.


Best Pujas & Hawans for improving your chances in Litigation

Know and Solve your problems and obstacles which you are facing regarding court cases /Litigations in your Life. The most performed Homam for improving your chances in Litigation is Ganapathy Homam.


Yantras for improving your chances in Litigation

Very strong and Potent and effective Yantras for improving your chances in Litigation are: Sarv Karyasidhi Yantra , Ganesh Yantra , Bagala Mukhi Yantra